Book Reviews
J. Angerler, Jürg Schneider, R.H. Barnes, Janet Hoskins, Karin Bras, Christel Lübben, Peter Boomgaard, Florentino Rodao, Hans Hägerdal, Winarsih Partaningrat Arifin, Els M. Jacobs, Gerrit J. Knaap, Roy E. Jordaan, John Miksic, Victor T. King, Penelope Graham, Rita Smith Kipp, Simon Rae, Niels Mulder, Raul Pertierra, Anthony Reid, Luc Nagtegaal, Cornelia M.I. Sluys, Signe Howell, Jaap Timmer, Bernard Juillerat
Bijdragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, January 1998, Brill
DOI: 10.1163/22134379-90003909