What is it about?
The article deals with the environmental aspects of religious beliefs and ritual practices of various groups of the rural population of Siberia in the Soviet and post-Soviet period. It is argued that the value attitude to the natural environment is currently the subject of reflection not only in traditional for Siberia Christian denominations, but also in New Religious movements.
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Why is it important?
Modern villagers of Siberia, mainly engaged in the problems of survival, perceive environmental problems as something unrelated to them. Despite this, the mainstreaming environmental discourse in religious life of rural population is taking place now. According to the author, this is a response to the ecological utilitarianism that prevailed in the policy of the Soviet state since the 1930s, as well as to present-day worsening environmental problems.
I hope that the modern Folk-Orthodox traditions of veneration of holy places, the eschatological narratives of the Old Believers and the ecological principles of New Religious movements will contribute to the development of a common cultural vision of the Siberian territory. Ideas about the «sacred nature of the surrounding landscapes» will promote the decisions aimed at achieving sustainable development of Siberia.
Galina Lyubimova
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Environmental aspects of Religious Beliefs and Ritual Practices of the rural Population of Siberia (the 1920s. - Beginning of XXI Century) (Экологические аспекты религиозных воззрений и обрядовых практик сельского населения Сибири (1920-е гг. - начало ..., The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, February 2016, Brill Deutschland GmbH,
DOI: 10.1163/18763324-04301007.
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