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This article shows how family considerations influence migration intentions, staying put decisions and actual practices. this is done from the perspectives of victims of xenophobia in South Africa. In a balance of tales, I examined how families contribute to staying put/return decisions by Nigerian migrants in South Africa following the September 2019 xenophobic violence. The study asks: to what extent do family facilitate and/or contribute to the decision to return? And how do return strategies unveil the centrality of family in taking migration decisions? Data emerged through online interview with Nigerian immigrants in South Africa who stayed-put and six family members in Nigeria reached through the snowball method.

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This page is a summary of: Factors Underlying Return Migration Decisions among Nigerian Victims of 2019 Xenophobic Violence in South Africa, African Diaspora, January 2022, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/18725465-bja10005.
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