What is it about?

The research article addresses the Armenian Christian martyrdom sites, their identifications, as well as the peculiarities and some understudied and unstudied issues essential for the national-religious identity. Addressing to the new and newest Armenian witnesses, particularly those of the canonized Armenian genocide and non-canonized Lenin-Stalin terror, the identification field for further studies is formated.

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Why is it important?

This article is an identification of the problem field and an attempt at an interdisciplinary examination of the questions mentioned above. Accordingly, some commonly Christian and Armenian regulations concerning the veneration of martyrs’ relics and martyrdom sites in the context of canonization, the source and place identification of the Armenian genocide martyrdom sites, as well as the martyrdom issues around Lenin-Stalin repressions are the scopes for examination in the present study.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Identification and Identity: Quest for the Armenian Martyrdom Sites in the Modern Times, Scrinium, December 2023, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/18177565-bja10090.
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