What is it about?

To think about the unity of the Chinese Catholic church in view of the Vatican-China agreement renewed in 2020, I enlist the help of Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae’s theology of "sobornicity."

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Why is it important?

There has been much debate in the news about the Vatican-China agreement. This article provides some important background information on what has happened in China in the church-state relationship and a theological perspective to interpret the situation.


Writing the paper has helped me to understand the Chinese situation better and to get a more accurate sense of what Pope Francis might wish to accomplish in China. At the same time Cardinal Zen's reservations and concerns are valid and deserving of further theological discussions.

Huili Stout
University of Dayton

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Toward a New Vision of Catholicity for the Chinese Catholic Church: With Insights from Dumitru Stăniloae’s ‘Sobornicity’, Ecclesiology, October 2021, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/17455316-bja10012.
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