What is it about?

Cotton-top tamarins are a critically endangered primate found only in Colombia. Their survival is threatened by habitat destruction and the illegal pet trade. It is very common that cotton-top tamarins are found in rural communities and kept as pets. Proyecto Titi works with local communities and schools to decrease the desire to have cotton-top tamarins as pets. We created TITIRITIANDO, a theatrical event that uses puppets to engage children in teaching them about the consequences of the pet trade and builds an emotional connection to cotton-top tamarins. This program has been effective in increase knowledge about the impacts that the illegal wildlife trade has on cotton-top tamarins, reducing the desire to have a cotton-top tamarin as a pet, and providing actions that participants can engage in that support the conservation of this critically endangered primate.

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Why is it important?

Cotton-top tamarins are a critically endangered species and their survival is threatened by forest destruction and the illegal pet trade. Efforts to inform and engage the public in understanding the impacts having a cotton-top tamarins has on the survival of this species has been effective in changing the hearts and minds of children in Colombia.

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This page is a summary of: TITIRITIANDO: Creating an engaging theatrical education program to teach children that cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) are not pets, Folia Primatologica, June 2024, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/14219980-bja10025.
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