Doppler-Derived Intracoronary Physiology Indices Predict the Occurrence of Microvascular Injury and Microvascular Perfusion Deficits After Angiographically Successful Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Paul F.A. Teunissen, Guus A. de Waard, Maurits R. Hollander, Lourens F.H.J. Robbers, Ibrahim Danad, P. Stefan Biesbroek, Raquel P. Amier, Mauro Echavarría-Pinto, Alicia Quirós, Christopher Broyd, Martijn W. Heymans, Robin Nijveldt, Adriaan A. Lammertsma, Pieter G. Raijmakers, Cornelis P. Allaart, Jorrit S. Lemkes, Yolande E. Appelman, Koen M. Marques, Jean G.F. Bronzwaer, Anton J.G. Horrevoets, Albert C. van Rossum, Javier Escaned, Aernout M. Beek, Paul Knaapen, Niels van Royen
Circulation Cardiovascular Interventions, March 2015, Wolters Kluwer Health
DOI: 10.1161/circinterventions.114.001786