Time course, predictors and clinical implications of stent thrombosis following primary angioplasty
Insights from the DESERT cooperation
Maurits T. Dirksen, Christian Spaulding, Henning Kelbæk, Martin Schalij, Leif Thuesen, Bas van der Hoeven, Marteen A. Vink, Christoph Kaiser, Carmine Musto, Tania Chechi, Gaia Spaziani, Luis Salvador Diaz de la Llera, Vincenzo Pasceri, Emilio Di Lorenzo, Roberto Violini, Harry Suryapranata, Gregg W. Stone, Giuseppe De Luca
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, January 2013, Thieme Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1160/th13-02-0092