What is it about?

This study aimed to develop a model to predict the role of community nurses in promoting health and preventing illnesses. By analyzing various factors based on the Health Promotion Model, including personal, interpersonal, and situational influences, the study found that factors like commitment and interpersonal influences significantly affect nurses' duties in preventive care. This model can help enhance the effectiveness of community nursing practices and improve public health outcomes.

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Why is it important?

This research contributes to understanding the factors that influence community nurses' roles in preventive care, which is crucial for promoting public health and reducing the burden of preventable diseases. By identifying key determinants, such as commitment and interpersonal influences, the study provides insights into how healthcare systems can better support nurses in delivering effective preventive services. With an increasing emphasis on preventive care and community-based health promotion, this study's findings are timely and relevant for enhancing nursing practice and improving population health outcomes.


As a healthcare professional committed to preventive care and community health promotion, I appreciate the focus of this study on predicting community nurses' roles in preventive care. By identifying factors that influence nurses' engagement in promotive and preventive activities, the research offers valuable insights for optimizing healthcare delivery and promoting wellness at the community level. I believe that leveraging predictive models to enhance nurses' roles in preventive care can lead to more targeted interventions and ultimately improve health outcomes for individuals and communities alike.

Mr Ferry Efendi
Universitas Airlangga

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Model to predict duty of community nurses in promotive and preventive care, International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), March 2019, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science,
DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v8i1.13461.
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