Role of Favorable Perfusion Imaging in Predicting the Outcome of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Large Vessel Occlusion Undergoing Effective Thrombectomy: A Single-Center Study
Riccardo Di Iorio, Fabio Pilato, Iacopo Valente, Andrea Laurienzo, Simona Gaudino, Giovanni Frisullo, Paolo Profice, Simone Cottonaro, Andrea Alexandre, Pietro Caliandro, Roberta Morosetti, Emilio Lozupone, Francesco D'Argento, Alessandro Pedicelli, Cesare Colosimo, Paolo Calabresi, Giacomo Della Marca, Aldobrando Broccolini
Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, January 2021, Karger Publishers
DOI: 10.1159/000513025