What is it about?
This paper designed a protection scheme for utility grid with high share of renewable energy (RE) generated from wind energy and solar energy plants. This is based on extraction of features from the current using Stockwell transform (ST), Hilbert transform (HT), and alienation coefficient. A Stockwell index (SI) is designed by extracting current features using ST, a Hilbert index (HI) is designed by extracting current features using HT, and an alienation index (AI) is designed by extracting current features using an alienation coefficient. A fault index (FI) is formulated by multiplying the SI, HI, AI, and WF (weight factor). This FI is implemented for fault detection. Fault classification is achieved considering number of fault phases and ground fault index (GFI). This GFI is designed by processing zero sequence currents applying ST. GFI effectively identifies the ground involved during event of a fault. A designed protection scheme is effective to identify faults in the scenario of high RE share and during various cases of study which includes the variations of fault impedance, different fault occurrence angles (FOA), fault incident at different nodes, and noisy condition.
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Why is it important?
This protection scheme effectively discriminates the fault events from the operational events such as feeder operation, load, and capacitor switching. Performance of hybrid protection method formulated in this paper is better relative to alienation coefficient-based protection scheme (ACPS) reported in literature. The ACPS has maximum error and mean error of fault detection equal to 9.54% and 5.99%, respectively, which is relatively high compared to the respective values for the proposed method which are 1.89% and 0.978%, respectively. ACPS is effective for detecting the fault events in noise level of 30 dB SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) whereas the proposed method effectively identifies the faults in the high noise scenario of 20 dB SNR.
In this paper, a protection scheme for utility grids with a high percentage of renewable energy (RE) from wind and solar power plants was developed. This is based on extracting features from the current using Stockwell transform (ST), Hilbert transform (HT) and alienation coefficient. A Stockwell index (SI) is created by extracting current features using ST, a Hilbert index (HI) is created by extracting current features using HT, and an alienation index (AI) is created by extracting current features using an alienation coefficient. A fault index (FI) is formulated by multiplying SI, HI, AI and WF ( weight factor). This FI is used for fault detection. Fault classification is done by considering the number of fault phases and the ground fault index (GFI). This GFI is created by processing zero-sequence currents using ST. The GFI effectively identifies the ground involved in the event of a fault.
Mr. Abhishek Gupta
Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Fault Detection and Classification to Design a Protection Scheme for Utility Grid with High Penetration of Wind and Solar Energy, International Journal of Energy Research, April 2023, Hindawi Publishing Corporation,
DOI: 10.1155/2023/4418741.
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