What is it about?
The suggested method leads to an optimal sequence to the considered problem which is a non-crossing optimal sequence and minimizing the total elapsed time under fuzziness. Scheduling contains the sequence of jobs following the resource as well as time constraints, with a specific objective. The job scheduling and controlling through a production play significant role in any industrial manufacturing unit. ,e FS scheduling model is the simple version where all jobs are operated on all the machines in order, is one of the recent issues in the field of production control, and is to determine the job sequence on the machines to minimize the makespan.
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Why is it important?
The proposed approach helps the decision maker to search for finding applicable solution related to real world problems and minimizes the total fuzzy elapsed time. A numerical example is provided for the illustration of the suggested methodology.
This would optimize the usages of the machines and hence the revenue of the company. For future research, the proposed problem may be extended by considering the stochastic random variable, for the processing times as well as the jobs weight.
VIT Bhopal University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Solving Constrained Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem through Multistage Fuzzy Binding Approach with Fuzzy Due Dates, Advances in Fuzzy Systems, March 2021, Hindawi Publishing Corporation,
DOI: 10.1155/2021/6697060.
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