What is it about?

A systematic and comprehensive literature review on the mining and application of tables and figures in academic papers, includes benchmark datasets, recent techniques, structural analysis and interpretation, application and future directions of of understanding tables and figures in scientific articles.

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Why is it important?

Tables and figures are usually used to present information in a structured and visual way in scientific documents. Understanding the tables and figures in scientific documents is significant for a series of downstream tasks, such as academic search, scientific knowledge graphs. we hope this survey will serve as a hands-on reference for a better understanding of the current research development on scientific tables and figures and assist readers in advancing this field.


Even though scientific tables and figures are used in numerous studies, the distribution of research topics and disciplines is uneven. In mining academic tables and figures, we can either integrate discipline characteristics and focus on discipline-specific knowledge or build interdisciplinary knowledge bases or pre-training models. For example, based on the descriptive text or data given by users, we can develop a scientific style figure pre-trained model to automatically generate or beautify figures or provide color matching and layout suggestions.

Haihua Chen
University of North Texas

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: From Detection to Application: Recent Advances in Understanding Scientific Tables and Figures, ACM Computing Surveys, June 2024, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3657285.
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