What is it about?

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation has been proven to improve cognitive functioning, executive functions and in some cases help patients of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. In this study, we try to see the effects of Longitudinal tDCS (multi-session) on Working memory of healthy young adults. We expect that in difficult tasks the differences would be seen on comparison to the control group.

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Why is it important?

Most of the literature either focuses on clinical population or single session tDCS stimulation. Our novelty lies in the experimental paradigm where we are combining multi session tDCS stimulation and implementing the same on healthy young adults.


The results of this study would guide the Defense organization of India to use similar paradigms for the armed forces and improve their attention, decision making and, working memory.

Darshil Shah
Ashoka University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Does longitudinal, anodal tDCS improve working memory? A behavioral investigation, July 2023, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3594806.3596592.
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