What is it about?

The Common experience sample is an Open Source Software (OSS) for evaluating haptic displays. You can adjust and experience basic actions such as grasping and holding the display. For each of the six-dimensional object characteristics (texture, hardness, temperature, weight, shape, and motion) that the haptic display provides feedback on, samples that are frequently used in existing research can be used. The source code of the sample is here: https://github.com/open-video-game-library/CommonExperienceSample

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Why is it important?

Previous studies of tactile displays have created applications for each study, and there is no common evaluation stimulus. This has deprived the researcher of the opportunity to compare tactile displays. The common experience sample is intended to be a standard evaluation stimulus for tactile displays and to promote comparison between displays.


I hope many tactile display researchers will use this sample and contribute to the development of tactile research. The sample can also be played with the standard controller of Meta Quest, so we encourage everyone to experience it.

Takuya Oka
Meiji Daigaku

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Common Experience Sample 1.0: Developing a sample for comparing the characteristics of haptic displays, November 2022, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3562939.3565649.
You can read the full text:




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