What is it about?

Our idea aims to achieve innovation in the field of security, espe- cially pertaining to security for sensitive and large regions present in locations where constant human monitoring is not possible or feasible. In such remote locations, constant communication be- tween posts is not feasible. Our solution aims to utilize large-scale non-cellular wireless communication in the form of a mesh of indi- vidual easily placed nodes to establish constant reliable surveillance. Through this large-scale non-cellular network, the authors aim to establish an Internet of Things consisting of end sensory nodes, intermediate network nodes, and one central gateway, communicating with each other without human involvement to establish a wide-area, well-connected mesh which can operate with low power requirements.

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Why is it important?

Our paper aims to develop and explore a security-oriented application of LoRa-based hop-to-hop communication, which provides low-power, large-scale, and long- range solutions to our current safety needs. It utilizes all the com- ponents of an IoT-based implementation, in to develop a network, which consists of different types of nodes. It takes input from the external environment through sensors, transports it via several intermediate nodes, using an effective routing algorithm, and pro- vides output through the means of an actuator. The system achieved henceforth is highly scalable, reliable, portable, cheap, and easy to maintain, and provides a fresh outlook on the contemporary need of modernizing the security infrastructure using a growing non-cellular form of communication, LoRa technology.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: De-Fence: LoRa based Hop-to-Hop Communication, August 2022, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3549206.3549312.
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