What is it about?

The specific steps are: First, the language chessboard is used to build indirect formal intelligent text analysis; Second, construct the knowledge module finishing; Third, present expert knowledge acquisition and structured expression that the rich media can play a further role in the way of mind map, that is, the visual expression of original idea, its characteristics are in cognitive computing three points of language, knowledge and originality. The result is the combination of several data platform indexing abstracts of papers, extracting sports information such as authors and keywords, and rich media presentations. It not only makes typical model, but also writes paper, characterized by using the trinity of language chessboard, knowledge chess-menu and software chess-soul, that can accurately show the beneficial effects of the basic method of cognitive computing of language points, knowledge points and original points, and make a corresponding intellectual property protection system in sports education.

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Why is it important?

The significance lies in: the abstracts of domestic and foreign sports journal papers and conference papers not only can be analyzed in text, but also can be used to rich media portraits of author with his or her potential innovative thought.


Sports information extraction and expert knowledge presentation of rich media aims to achieve the method: the three stages of human-computer interaction, collaboration and synergy with batch processing technology.

Researcher Xiaohui Zou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Sports Information Extraction and Presentation, May 2021, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3456887.3457467.
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