What is it about?

The module's precision machining can adopt big production method that combines on the line first, complete coverage and accurate grasp each language point and knowledge point and original point even their respective combination. Its characteristics are teachers and students can use the text analyzed method to do the fine processing of the same knowledge module, and only in Chinese or English, through the selection of keywords and terminology and knowledge modules that can be used as the menu to be selected as the way to achieve knowledge with the system. The result is the learning environment that enables human-computer collaboration system namely smart system to optimize the expert knowledge acquisition and the natural language understanding as a research field that has great significance to human beings.

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Why is it important?

Its significance is that this learning environment software based on the National Excellent Courses by using the language chess with the feature of the introduction on the knowledge big production mode for the textual knowledge module finishing at Peking University.


This paper aims to focus on the smart system as optimized expert knowledge acquisition system as new approaches to natural language understanding system. This method can finish fine processing for any text segment instantly.

Researcher Xiaohui Zou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Smart System Studied, July 2019, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3349341.3349360.
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