What is it about?

The review describe how GPRC5A was first discovered as a TPA-responsive gene and two years later as a retinoic acid-responsive gene. Then, it describes its possible role in different celular processes and diseases. The initial cloning of PEIG-1/GPRC5A in our laboratory allowed others to find the rest of the family, which include GPRC5B, C and D. These genes have been associated to different celular processes and diseases.

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Why is it important?

GPRC5A has been associated to diabetic nephropathy, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and immunity.


Since GPRC5A is stimulated by retinoic acid and inhibit EGFR signaling, it might be an anti-oncogen. However, it has a dual behavior depending on the type of cancer, as also occurs with PKC, the kinase responsible for its response to TPA.

Dr Tomás A. Santa Coloma
Institute for Biomedical Research (BIOMED), CONICET, UCA

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The G protein-coupled receptor GPRC5A—a phorbol ester and retinoic acid-induced orphan receptor with roles in cancer, inflammation, and immunity, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, December 2023, Canadian Science Publishing,
DOI: 10.1139/bcb-2022-0352.
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