Connective tissue disease related interstitial lung diseases and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: provisional core sets of domains and instruments for use in clinical trials
Lesley Ann Saketkoo, Shikha Mittoo, Dörte Huscher, Dinesh Khanna, Paul F Dellaripa, Oliver Distler, Kevin R Flaherty, Sid Frankel, Chester V Oddis, Christopher P Denton, Aryeh Fischer, Otylia M Kowal-Bielecka, Daphne LeSage, Peter A Merkel, Kristine Phillips, David Pittrow, Jeffrey Swigris, Katerina Antoniou, Robert P Baughman, Flavia V Castelino, Romy B Christmann, Lisa Christopher-Stine, Harold R Collard, Vincent Cottin, Sonye Danoff, Kristin B Highland, Laura Hummers, Ami A Shah, Dong Soon Kim, David A Lynch, Frederick W Miller, Susanna M Proudman, Luca Richeldi, Jay H Ryu, Nora Sandorfi, Catherine Sarver, Athol U Wells, Vibeke Strand, Eric L Matteson, Kevin K Brown, James R Seibold
Thorax, December 2013, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-204202