Nordic collaborative study of the BARD1 Cys557Ser allele in 3956 patients with cancer: enrichment in familial BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation-negative breast cancer but not in other malignancies
S-M Karppinen, R B Barkardottir, K Backenhorn, T Sydenham, K Syrjakoski, J Schleutker, T Ikonen, K Pylkas, K Rapakko, H Erkko, G Johannesdottir, A-M Gerdes, M Thomassen, B A Agnarsson, M Grip, A Kallioniemi, J Kere, L A Aaltonen, A Arason, P Moller, T A Kruse, A Borg, R Winqvist
Journal of Medical Genetics, November 2006, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/jmg.2006.041731