What is it about?
The study involved several sites across the UK where mental health nurses received ten days training that would equip them to deliver cognitive-behavioural interventions to people who experience psychosis. Patients were then given six sessions over 2-3 months and followed up one year later.
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Why is it important?
This is a very important study that recognizes the skills that mental heath nurses possess. Some nurses have indeed undertaken further training in order to address the complex and diverse needs of their clients and carers through national training initiatives. However, according to reports, the implementation of the interventions in practice still remains problematic.
Evidently, there are therapeutic gains for patients and the paper highlights the financial benefits in terms of being well and staying well. However, nurses need an infrastructure in the workplace that allows them to carry out the brief interventions in terms of managerial support and adequate clinical supervision.
Dr Edward McCann
City, University of London
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Brief cognitive-behavioural therapy reduces hospital readmission but does not reduce overall symptoms of schizophrenia, Evidence-Based Mental Health, May 2007, BMJ,
DOI: 10.1136/ebmh.10.2.55.
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