Protocol for a randomised trial evaluating a preconception-early childhood telephone-based intervention with tailored e-health resources for women and their partners to optimise growth and development among children in Canada: a Healthy Life Trajectory...
Cindy-Lee Dennis, Flavia Marini, Jennifer Abbass Dick, Stephanie Atkinson, Jon Barrett, Rhonda Bell, Anick Berard, Howard Berger, Hillary K Brown, Evelyn Constantin, Deborah Da Costa, Andrea Feller, Astrid Guttmann, Magdalena Janus, K S Joseph, Peter Jüni, Sarah Kimmins, Nicole Letourneau, Patricia Li, Stephen Lye, Jonathon L Maguire, Stephen G Matthews, David Millar, Dragana Misita, Kellie Murphy, Anne Monique Nuyt, Deborah L O'Connor, Rulan Savita Parekh, Andrew Paterson, Martine Puts, Joel Ray, Paul Roumeliotis, Stephen Scherer, Daniel Sellen, Sonia Semenic, Prakesh S Shah, Graeme N Smith, Robyn Stremler, Peter Szatmari, Deanna Telnner, Kevin Thorpe, Mark S Tremblay, Simone Vigod, Mark Walker, Catherine Birken
BMJ Open, February 2021, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046311