‘A sword of Damocles’: patient and caregiver beliefs, attitudes and perspectives on presymptomatic testing for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: a focus group study
Charlotte Logeman, Yeoungjee Cho, Benedicte Sautenet, Gopala K Rangan, Talia Gutman, Jonathan Craig, Albert Ong, Arlene Chapman, Curie Ahn, Helen Coolican, Juliana Tze-Wah Kao, Ron T Gansevoort, Ronald Perrone, Tess Harris, Vincent Torres, Kevin Fowler, York Pei, Peter Kerr, Jessica Ryan, David Johnson, Andrea Viecelli, Clair Geneste, Hyunsuk Kim, Yaerim Kim, Martin Howell, Angela Ju, Karine E Manera, Armando Teixeira-Pinto, Gayathri Parasivam, Allison Tong
BMJ Open, October 2020, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038005