Study protocol for the COMET study: a cluster-randomised, prospective, parallel-group, superiority trial to compare the effectiveness of a collaborative and stepped care model versus treatment as usual in patients with mental disorders in primary care
Daniela Heddaeus, Jörg Dirmaier, Christian Brettschneider, Anne Daubmann, Thomas Grochtdreis, Olaf von dem Knesebeck, Hans-Helmut König, Bernd Löwe, Kerstin Maehder, Sarah Porzelt, Moritz Rosenkranz, Ingo Schäfer, Martin Scherer, Bernd Schulte, Karl Wegscheider, Angelika Weigel, Silke Werner, Thomas Zimmermann, Martin Härter
BMJ Open, November 2019, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032408