A combined randomised and observational study of surgery for fractures in the distal radius in the elderly (CROSSFIRE)—a study protocol
Ian, A Harris, Justine, M Naylor, Andrew Lawson, Rachelle Buchbinder, Rebecca Ivers, Zsolt Balogh, Paul Smith, Rajat Mittal, Wei Xuan, Kirsten Howard, Arezoo Vafa, Piers Yates, Bertram Rieger, Geoff Smith, Ilia Elkinson, Woosung Kim, Mellick Chehade, Jai Sungaran, Kim Latendresse, James Wong, Sameer Viswanathan, Martin Richardson, Kush Shrestha, Herwig Drobetz, Phong Tran, Jeremy Loveridge, Richard Page, Raphael Hau, Roger Bingham, Jonathan Mulford, Ian Incoll
BMJ Open, June 2017, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016100