What is it about?

We investigated what clinical and sociodemographic factors affected Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) factor scores of patients with schizophrenia. We used the WCST Keio version. Five indicators were calculated, including categories achieved (CA), perseverative errors in Milner (PEM) and Nelson (PEN), total errors (TE) and difficulties of maintaining set (DMS). From the principal component analysis, we identified two factors (1 and 2). We assessed the relationship between these factor scores and clinical and sociodemographic factors, using multiple logistic regression analysis.

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Why is it important?

Factor 1 was composed of CA, PEM, PEN and TE. Factor 2 was composed of DMS. The factor 1 score was affected by age, education years and the PANSS negative scale score. The factor 2 score was affected by duration of illness.


Using WCST factor scores may reduce the possibility of type I errors due to multiple comparisons.

Dr Masahiro Banno
Seichiryo Hospital

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test scores and clinical and sociodemographic correlates in Schizophrenia: multiple logistic regression analysis, BMJ Open, January 2012, BMJ,
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001340.
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