2018 update of the EULAR recommendations for the role of the nurse in the management of chronic inflammatory arthritis
Bianca Bech, Jette Primdahl, Astrid van Tubergen, Marieke Voshaar, Heidi A Zangi, Lurdes Barbosa, Carina Boström, Boryana Boteva, Francesco Carubbi, Françoise Fayet, Ricardo J O Ferreira, Kirsten Hoeper, Agnes Kocher, Marja Leena Kukkurainen, Vivienne Lion, Patricia Minnock, Antonella Moretti, Mwidimi Ndosi, Milena Pavic Nikolic, Michael Schirmer, Hana Smucrova, Jenny de la Torre-Aboki, Jennifer Waite-Jones, Yvonne van Eijk-Hustings
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, July 2019, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215458