Antibody Titer Has Positive Predictive Value for Vaccine Protection against Challenge with Natural Antigenic-Drift Variants of H5N1 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses from Indonesia
David E. Swayne, David L. Suarez, Erica Spackman, Samadhan Jadhao, Gwenaelle Dauphin, Mia Kim-Torchetti, James McGrane, John Weaver, Peter Daniels, Frank Wong, Paul Selleck, Agus Wiyono, Risa Indriani, Yuni Yupiana, Elly Sawitri Siregar, Teguh Prajitno, Derek Smith, Ron Fouchier
Journal of Virology, January 2015, ASM Journals
DOI: 10.1128/jvi.00025-15