Clinical Accuracy of a PLEX-ID Flu Device for Simultaneous Detection and Identification of Influenza Viruses A and B
Yi-Wei Tang, Kristin S. Lowery, Alexandra Valsamakis, Virginia C. Schaefer, James D. Chappell, Jill White-Abell, Criziel D. Quinn, Haijing Li, Cicely A. Washington, Jenna Cromwell, Chantel M. Giamanco, Michael Forman, Jeffery Holden, Richard E. Rothman, Michelle L. Parker, Elaine V. Ortenberg, Lei Zhang, Yea-Lin Lin, Charlotte A. Gaydos
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, October 2012, ASM Journals
DOI: 10.1128/jcm.01978-12