Some Synonymous and Nonsynonymous gyrA Mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lead to Systematic False-Positive Fluoroquinolone Resistance Results with the Hain GenoType MTBDRsl Assays
Adebisi Ajileye, Nataly Alvarez, Matthias Merker, Timothy M. Walker, Suriya Akter, Kerstin Brown, Danesh Moradigaravand, Thomas Schön, Sönke Andres, Viola Schleusener, Shaheed V. Omar, Francesc Coll, Hairong Huang, Roland Diel, Nazir Ismail, Julian Parkhill, Bouke C. de Jong, Tim E. A. Peto, Derrick W. Crook, Stefan Niemann, Jaime Robledo, E. Grace Smith, Sharon J. Peacock, Claudio U. Köser
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, January 2017, ASM Journals
DOI: 10.1128/aac.02169-16