What is it about?

Based on a detailed mixed methods process evaluation of PA4E1, this paper provides 12 ideas on how to improve and adapt secondary school physical activity programs (such as PA4E1). We interviewed PE teachers and Principals to see what they thought about the program and ways to possibly improve it.

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Why is it important?

These process evaluation findings are being used to inform a sustainability trial of PA4E1 (from 2024 onwards), building on the back of a prior efficacy (2012-14) and effectiveness-implementation (2017-2020) trial. The findings may also be useful for other secondary school physical activity programs more broadly. Examples of the 12 ideas: - Provide some initial funding as this seems key in the decision for Principals to get involved in the program in the first instance. - Provide further funding based on meeting implementation milestones, to increase accountability for the use of, and equitable access to, the funding


We learnt a lot from speaking with teachers and school Principals. We now have a lot of evidence that PA4E1 can work in secondary schools in NSW.

Dr Matthew Mclaughlin
University of Western Australia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Process Evaluation of a Scaled-Up School-Based Physical Activity Program for Adolescents: Physical Activity 4 Everyone, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, January 2024, Human Kinetics,
DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2024-0038.
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