What is it about?

This study presents an innovative method far from linear density and effective atomic number (Zeff) based coloring methods in X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems. Instead of displaying a standard X-Ray image, it is recommended to display several images obtained by parametric modifications in succession called Progressive Sequential Imaging (PSI). The animated images produced by the proposed PSI enable the scanned packages to be examined much shorter than the traditional manual scanning approach through various color or gray-scale image models. Besides, details of the objects, low penetration regions, and materials behind metallic plates are observed more clearly. PSI provides a more powerful and newer imaging method for the X-Ray baggage scanner.

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Why is it important?

PSI provides a more powerful and newer imaging method for the X-Ray baggage scanner.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Progressive sequential imaging on x-ray baggage inspection systems, June 2023, SPIE,
DOI: 10.1117/12.2655682.
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