What is it about?

The aim of this study was to determine onset of puberty in Cameroon Dwarf goat (CDG) kept as pet in northwestern Croatia, by determined progesterone and insulin like growth factor –I (IGF-I) levels in blood by RIA methods. Futhermore it was determined the first cyclic ovarian activity according to the hormone profile determination of CDG in moderate climate. Sixteen female kids (CDG), used for this research, were kept in the stables with access to the pasture which provided primarly area for exercise. Four groups of goat kids born in a winter (December-January-February), spring (March-April-May), summer (June-July-August) and autumn (September-October-November) were used. Goat kids were estimated at 75 days of age and weighed between 3.2 kg and 5.1 kg at initiation of the study. The onset of ovulatory activity was determined by progesterone and IGF-I plasma concentrations every 10 days from 75 days to 155 days of age. Changes in blood serum progesterone levels and IGF-I concentrations during prepubertal and pubertal period can aid in the evaluation of reproductive status and determination the onset of puberty in CDG during any season of the year in moderate climate region.

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Why is it important?

According to our knowledge, for the first time is exactly established onset of puberty in the Cameroon Dwarf goats especially in animals of this breed kept as pets in moderate climate region.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The onset of puberty in Cameroon Dwarf goats kept as pets in northwestern Croatia, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, December 2016, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/rda.12892.
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