Effect of Deep Intramuscular Stimulation and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Neurophysiological Biomarkers in Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Neuromodulation Techniques and Biomarkers
Liciane F. Medeiros, Wolnei Caumo, Jairo Dussán-Sarria, Alicia Deitos, Aline Brietzke, Gabriela Laste, Cristina Campos-Carraro, Andressa de Souza, Vanessa L. Scarabelot, Stefania G. Cioato, Rafael Vercelino, Alexandre L. de Castro, Alex Sander Araújo, Adriane Belló-Klein, Felipe Fregni, Iraci L.S. Torres
Pain Medicine, September 2015, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1111/pme.12919