What is it about?
We found that adolescents classified as High InflaScore/Unfit showed significantly higher HOMA-IR when compared than those with High InflaScore/Fit and those with Low InflaScore/Fit (F(3,519) = 4.761, P < .003), after adjustments for potential confounders. Unfit adolescents with high InflaScore had the highest odds of expressing high HOMA-IR (odds ratio, OR = 2.40, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-5.6) and insulin risk (2.53 95% CI, 1.5-5.9) when compared to those of the Low InflaScore/Fit group, after adjustments for potential confounders.
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Why is it important?
Higher levels of muscular fitness seem to minimize the deleterious effect of inflammation on IR.
The results of this study suggest that higher levels of MF could to minimize the deleterious effect of inflammation on adolescent’s IR.
Universidad Del Rosario
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Low-grade inflammation and muscular fitness on insulin resistance in adolescents: Results from LabMed Physical Activity Study, Pediatric Diabetes, November 2017, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/pedi.12607.
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