De novoassembly of maritime pine transcriptome: implications for forest breeding and biotechnology
Javier Canales, Rocio Bautista, Philippe Label, Josefa Gómez-Maldonado, Isabelle Lesur, Noe Fernández-Pozo, Marina Rueda-López, Dario Guerrero-Fernández, Vanessa Castro-Rodríguez, Hicham Benzekri, Rafael A. Cañas, María-Angeles Guevara, Andreia Rodrigues, Pedro Seoane, Caroline Teyssier, Alexandre Morel, François Ehrenmann, Grégoire Le Provost, Céline Lalanne, Céline Noirot, Christophe Klopp, Isabelle Reymond, Angel García-Gutiérrez, Jean-François Trontin, Marie-Anne Lelu-Walter, Celia Miguel, María Teresa Cervera, Francisco R. Cantón, Christophe Plomion, Luc Harvengt, Concepción Avila, M. Gonzalo Claros, Francisco M. Cánovas
Plant Biotechnology Journal, November 2013, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12136