What is it about?

Interleukins are signalling molecules that help establish communication between the white blood cells/ defense cells at the time of entry of microbes. Periodontitis is a chronic disease that affects the supporting structures of teeth, causing their untimely loss. These interleukins can be collected in fluid samples collected from the sulci around such teeth that can be indicators of disease progression.

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Why is it important?

The quantity of Interleukin 23 generated depends upon the severity of inflammation. Estimation of this molecule can be beneficial for prediction of breakdown of attachment and progression of disease.


This molecule IL23 is a special one as it serves as a biomarker. detection of this molecule in gingival crevicular fluid is an atraumatic way of knowing which sites have to be monitored and what therapeutic interventions can be done for arrest of periodontal disease.

MGM Dental College and Hospital

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Gingival crevicular fluid and interleukin‐23 concentration in systemically healthy subjects: their relationship in periodontal health and disease, Journal of Periodontal Research, May 2013, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/jre.12100.
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