What is it about?

This paper analysed the perspectives of people from CALD communities in Victoria regarding their needs and experiences with mental health services. Participants reported diverse perceptions and understanding of mental health issues and services Various challenges were identified regarding health service utilisation for the CALD community in Victoria, including language barriers, stigma towards mental health issues, mental health illiteracy, distrust and lack of familiarity with mainstream mental health services. These challenges were acknowledged by community members even after a long residence in Australia The data generated on the beliefs about mental health issues and consequent help-seeking behaviours highlight the importance of culturally sensitive targeted prevention and early intervention strategies and ongoing commitment to building mental health literacy in the wider community

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Why is it important?

The information from the study can be adapted for quality improvement and culturally responsive practices The strategies for effective service delivery drawn by this paper can be a comprehensive resource tool for mental health professionals, organisations and policymakers The findings imply that CALD mental health service users and their families will likely benefit from improved service assessment and quality of mental health care and equity when MHNs undertake cultural competence training and bring that into their practice.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Perspectives of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community members regarding mental health services: A qualitative analysis, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, March 2023, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/jpm.12919.
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