What is it about?
The aim of this systematic review is to more fully understand the homeless experiences of transgender people and determine their support needs and the service responses required. The review questions were as follows: (a) What are the homeless experiences of transgender people? (b) What are the specific support needs of transgender people? (c) What are the services responses required concerning transgender people?
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Why is it important?
Transgender people face many challenges in society in terms of people's knowledge, understanding and acceptance of a person's gender identity. Evidence regarding the homelessness experiences and available supports to transgender people remains sparse.
This systematic review has set out the scope and extent of the needs and challenges experienced by homeless trans people. The main findings from this review set out the complex and multifaceted needs of this population, highlighting the need for a sustained and ongoing focus across agencies and services to ensure that specific support needs are recognized and comprehensively addressed.
Dr Edward McCann
City, University of London
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Homeless experiences and support needs of transgender people: A systematic review of the international evidence, Journal of Nursing Management, October 2020, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/jonm.13163.
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