Mohs micrographic surgery in the elderly: comparison of tumours, surgery and first-year follow-up in patients younger and older than 80 years old in REGESMOHS
C. Camarero-Mulas, Y. Delgado Jiménez, O. Sanmartín-Jiménez, J.R. Garcés, M.A. Rodríguez-Prieto, T. Alonso-Alonso, R. Miñano Medrano, J.L. López-Estebaranz, E. de Eusebio Murillo, P. Redondo, C. Ciudad-Blanco, A. Toll-Abelló, J.L. Artola Igarza, I. Allende Markixana, R. Suarez Fernández, A. Alfaro Rubio, M.L. Alonso Pacheco, H. Vázquez-Veiga, P. de la Cueva Dobao, V. Ruiz-Salas, E. Vilarrasa Rull, L. Barchino, V. Morales-Gordillo, I. Ocerin-Guerra, R. Navarro Tejedor, L. Hueso, M. Mayor Arenal, M.J. Seoane-Pose, N. Cano-Martinez, I. Garcia-Doval, M.A. Descalzo
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, October 2017, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/jdv.14586