Sudden unexpected death in patients with epilepsy receiving renal replacement therapy with dialysis: A 17-year experience at a single institution
Unexpected death in patients with epilepsy receiving renal replacement therapy with dialysis
Fulvio A. SCORZA, Marcello SCATTOLINI, Roberta M. CYSNEIROS, Ricardo M. ARIDA, Marly DE ALBUQUERQUE, Vera C. TERRA, Hélio R. MACHADO, Rui A. GOMES, Silvana KESROUANI, Jenner CRUZ, Fátima C. M. PELARIGO, Alexandre L. SILVA, Tânia M. G. HENRIQUES, Esper A. CAVALHEIRO
Hemodialysis International, October 2010, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/j.1542-4758.2010.00492.x