The dopamine receptor D4 7-repeat allele and prenatal smoking in ADHD-affected children and their unaffected siblings: no gene-environment interaction
Marieke E. Altink, Alejandro Arias-Vásquez, Barbara Franke, Dorine I.E. Slaats -Willemse, Cathelijne J.M. Buschgens, Nanda N.J. Rommelse, Ellen A. Fliers, Richard Anney, Keeley-Joanne Brookes, Wai Chen, Michael Gill, Aisling Mulligan, Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Margaret Thompson, Joseph A. Sergeant, Stephen V. Faraone, Philip Asherson, Jan K. Buitelaar
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, October 2008, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2008.01998.x