Multiple stressors on biotic interactions: how climate change and alien species interact to affect pollination
Oliver Schweiger, Jacobus C. Biesmeijer, Riccardo Bommarco, Thomas Hickler, Philip E. Hulme, Stefan Klotz, Ingolf Kühn, Mari Moora, Anders Nielsen, Ralf Ohlemüller, Theodora Petanidou, Simon G. Potts, Petr Pyšek, Jane C. Stout, Martin T. Sykes, Thomas Tscheulin, Montserrat Vilà, Gian‐Reto Walther, Catrin Westphal, Marten Winter, Martin Zobel, Josef Settele
Biological Reviews, February 2010, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-185x.2010.00125.x