CD57 identifies T cells with functional senescence before terminal differentiation and relative telomere shortening in patients with activated PI3 kinase delta syndrome
Paola Cura Daball, Monica Sofia Ventura Ferreira, Sandra Ammann, Christian Klemann, Myriam R Lorenz, Ursula Warthorst, Timothy Ronan Leahy, Niall Conlon, Justin Roche, Pere Soler-Palacín, Marina Garcia-Prat, Ilka Fuchs, Sebastian Fuchs, Fabian Beier, Tim H Brümmendorf, Carsten Speckmann, Peter Olbrich, Olaf Neth, Klaus Schwarz, Stephan Ehl, Anne Rensing-Ehl
Immunology and Cell Biology, June 2018, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/imcb.12169