Polymorphisms in the NFkB, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-18 pathways are associated with response to anti-TNF therapy in Danish patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Steffen Bank, Mette Julsgaard, Osama Karim Abed, Johan Burisch, Jacob Broder Brodersen, Natalia Konstantinovich Pedersen, Anja Gouliaev, Rullah Ajan, Ditlev Nytoft Rasmussen, Camilla Honore Grauslund, Stine Roug, Julie Galsgaard, David Sprogøe Høyer Finsen, Karoline Lindby, Jeanette Sørensen, Lone Larsen, Malene Rohr Andersen, Ivan Brandslund, Mads Thomassen, Anders Green, Anders Bo Bojesen, Signe Bek Sørensen, Ulla Vogel, Vibeke Andersen
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, February 2019, Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/apt.15187