What is it about?
This paper is about a method for breast reconstruction after a central breast tumor lumpectomy. In these cases, some surgeons opt for a total mastectomy, and some perform a lumpectomy and recreate the breast using the remaining breast tissue. In this paper, we evaluated the patient's satisfaction with the second, breast conserving option.
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Why is it important?
little has been published about this option, and our data suggest that for a selected group of patients this may be their preferred option.
It's always exciting to see how with more surgical options we can personally tailor the patient's treatment. getting real patient data and preferences may further guide us as to what patients expect how we can best provide them with the proper solution using our current options.
Dr Or Friedman
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Oncoplastic partial breast reconstruction improves patient satisfaction and aesthetic outcome for central breast tumours, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, March 2019, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/ans.15078.
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