What is it about?

We've set up a knowledge translation system, to make deliberate efforts to put our research into the right peoples hands. Our work is mainly in schools, so we've made a plan to target the school community. We share our research with those who can use it (push), engage those who might find it useful (exchange/co-production) and attract those who might benefit from our research (pull).

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Why is it important?

Research findings often reside in academic journals or within conference communities. But sometimes that research could be better informed by those who can use it (exchange/co-prioduction), better shared with those who can use it (push) and more accessible for those who might find it (pull).


It's an exciting intiative to be involved with, trying to ensure the findings are used.

Dr Matthew Mclaughlin
University of Western Australia

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Poster Abstracts, Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, November 2019, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/ajco.13256.
You can read the full text:




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