What is it about?
Palliative care in the fast-paced, chaotic Emergency Department has been mentioned to be a necessity. The current study presents a scoping review regarding the components, delivery models, and outcomes of palliative care in the Emergency Department (ED).
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Why is it important?
Palliative care in the ED have been thought of as an oxymoron. Our review findings however demonstrate that palliative care in the ED can can potentially improve patient symptoms, facilitate access to relevant services, reduce length of stay, improve care at the EoL, and facilitate bereavement and post-bereavement support for family members. These outcomes should help to further drive palliative care integration in the ED.
Working with the co-authors to complete this paper has been a great pleasure and a wonderful learning experience. This article presents the state of the art review regarding an important issue. It is my hope that you will find this study thought-provoking and utilise the findings to drive change in the clinical setting.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Palliative Care Interventions for Adults in the Emergency Department: A Review of Components, delivery models, and Outcomes, Academic Emergency Medicine, April 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/acem.14508.
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