What is it about?

We use actively heated fiber optic (AHFO) coupled with distributed temperature sensing (DTS) for measuring soil volumetric water content. This technique helps in investigating the characterization of soil thermal behavior under successive saturation-drying cycles.

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Why is it important?

Soil water storage is a key variable in Earth's ecology. Its characterization is essential for understanding soil-atmosphere-vegetation exchanges, assessing ecosystem productivity globally, and optimizing water use in agriculture. Our findings from a horizontal experimental soil profile provide insights into enhancing the applicability of actively heated fiber optic (AHFO) coupled with the distributed temperature sensing (DTS) approach under field conditions, particularly following irrigation schedules and natural rainfall events.


I am very happy to be part of this study. I hope we can continue the applications of the distributed temperature sensing (DTS) approach.

José Gescilam Sousa Mota Uchôa
Universidade de Sao Paulo Campus de Sao Carlos

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Heated fibre optics to monitor soil moisture under successive saturation–drying cycles: An experimental approach, European Journal of Soil Science, July 2024, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13535.
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